Category: Our programs
Country Women Seniors Project
Our Country Women Seniors Project is a community resilience project. It is for women seniors in Limestone Coast communities who can be overlooked in our community life. Yet they have rich experience and knowledge which deserves to be heard. This project and its website is being developed to give them a place to speak, in…
The Wyatt Trust Backs 1:1 Mentoring and Support Pilot
RCA, working with Di-Monty Training Solutions, is developing and implementing a 1:1 Mentoring and Support Initiative across our community development programs in Mount Gambier. This initiative has been given valuable backing by The Wyatt Trust, who have been a strong supporter of RCA’s workforce exclusion projects in Mount Gambier 2016-2017. The 1:1 initiative comprises a…
Dr Scott Heyes joins our Advisory Board
We are delighted to announce that Dr Scott Heyes is joining our Advisory Board, and to welcome him to the RCA community. Scott is currently an Associate Professor of Cultural Heritage in the Faculty of Arts and Design at the University of Canberra, Australia. He is Convener of Indigenous studies in the Faculty. He has…
RCA gains PBI and DGR recognition
Rural Communities Australia is delighted to announce that it has gained Public Benevolent Institution (PBI) recognition. The ACNC fact sheet clarifies what this means: “A public benevolent institution is a type of charitable institution whose main purpose is to relieve poverty or distress. Public benevolent institutions are recognised by the ACNC and ATO as…
Rural Microbusiness Financing Study
Microbusinesses are powerful, cost-effective drivers of robust and stable local economic development in rural communities. We need to know a lot more about successful models and success factors in financing rural microbusiness in Australia. There is an urgent need for research into models of rural microbusiness financing. In this project, a study of the…
Workforce Inclusion Project, Mount Gambier
WORKFORCE INCLUSION IN MOUNT GAMBIER: A COMMUNITY-BASED RESEARCH PROJECT The Challenge Mount Gambier is the second largest city in South Australia. It has a population of approximately 26,000. Employment statistics show a clear trend to decreasing full-time employment in the region. There are two main disadvantaged groups. Disengaged youth (15-24): Over 12% are not studying,…