Author: Geoff Wells
2 Slow community: Face to face
I have some good men friends, greatly valued. I have coffee with them most mornings in the local cafe. I often think of the group of African American men of much the same older age in south Chicago whom Mitchell Duneier wrote about, in 1992, with much affection and sympathy, in his Slim’s Table; they…
1 Slow Community: Walking with our people
By Geoff Wells Every morning, unless the westerlies are coming in wild, I walk the path around the boat harbour in the small Australian coastal town where I live. The path moves through native trees and shrubs which grow right down to the water’s edge, salt-tolerant. The first section of it is gravelled; then, without…
Community-based ageing in place
Our place, being a beautiful little town on the Limestone Coast, is a favoured location for retired people. Many of them are farmers who have moved in from their farms in the district. Others are people who have lived their lives and worked here, in fishing, construction, and now retail. Generally speaking their preference is…
Sustainable tourism
A local couple, long-term residents of our place, returned recently from a 6-week stay on two of the Greek Islands, Kythera and Ithaka. From these bases they explored the islands and found ways to connect with their local peoples. This is an example of what is coming to be called sustainable tourism: extended stays, respecting…
SE Coastal Lakes proposal
We’ve been working through a new proposal for organising and managing the SE Coastal Lakes. The main thrust of it is to place substantial parts of them under conservation protection. Nominally the proposal is under the state Department of Environment and Water, who commissioned a consultant to carry out an engagement process designed to open…